Spelling & Vocabulary

Spelling & Vocabulary

Each MONDAY your child will be introduced to a new spelling word list and a few new vocabulary words.

The spelling word list will typically for 5th grade there will be about 20 words with 5 challenge words which are optional for your child to learn and are extra credit on the spelling quiz at the end of the week.

I teach spelling words in groups of 5.  Each day the child will learn, practice and work with 5 of the words on the list.  This works well within your child's working memory.  We know that children at different age levels are able to learn just a few new things each day.  So we break down the word list and teach the first 5 on Monday, the 2nd 5 on Tuesday, the 3rd 5 on Wednesday and the last 5 words on Thursday.  Then on Friday we will have our quiz.  If you would like to study the word list with your child, PLEASE use this plan as well.  Study just 5 words per night and match the pattern that I am using.

The vocabulary words will be be taught in a similar fashion.  Generally the students have just 5-10 new words that we will be introducing the meaning of those words for our up-coming reading selection for the week.  I will introduce the words on Monday.  The students WRITE each word and definition in their vocabulary notebook.  Often there are a few of the words that are already known by the children or they've heard a similar word so we go ahead and introduce all of them.  We work with these words all week. On Wednesday the students will make flash cards to study the words even more intently.  On Friday we will have a short quiz to show what we KNOW!  Often the child will have to match the word with the definition, or read the definition and write the word on the blank.  

If you can't find your spelling or vocab list from the week, click on my link below and find the words for each Unit and Week listed in order from the beginning of the year.